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FreelanceSwitch Flickr Contest: Submit Your Photos!

FreelanceSwitch has created our first FreelanceSwitch community Flickr group, and we’re giving away prizes to celebrate! Instead of regular ol’ blog images, we want to feature photos from our community on blog posts. Submit your photos to the Flickr pool, and if we choose your image, you’ll be credited in the article.

That’s the fame part, now here’s the fortune: we’re giving away a bunch of goodies: over $100 in swag for the best photos! Prizes include a hefty gift certificate to ThinkGeek, free membership, and awesome freelance-themed tees from TeeLance!

Like photography? Like winning loot and bragging rights? Read on!

To jump start the pool, we will be awarding a grand prize for the best photo submitted to the FreelanceSwitch Flickr pool, with prizes for two runner-ups. Photo entries must be submitted to the FreelanceSwitch pool by midnight, October 21st, 2010. By submitting your photo, you’re giving FreelanceSwitch permission to use the photo in a blog post or article.

Photos need not be directly freelance related–it can be a quirky shot of how you work, your favorite coffee mug, or your favorite remote “office” by the pool. Anything goes! We’ll be looking for the best, most beautiful, humorous, or clever photos to feature on FreelanceSwitch. At stake:

Grand Prize

  • $100 gift certificate to ThinkGeek. Deck out that home office with the coolest geek swag!
  • One awesome freelance-themed T-shirt from TeeLance. I highly recommend the Freelancer for those “What do you do?” conversations.
  • 6 month membership to the FreelanceSwitch job boards! To keep you busy while you enjoy your cool new toys and tee!

And that’s not to mention the glory and admiration of your fellow FreelanceSwitch readers, of course.

Runner-Up (2)

We’ll also be naming two runner-ups. Each runner-up will also receive a coupon for an awesome T-shirt from TeeLance. Wear it with pride!

How to Enter

Got a good photo in mind? Entering is easy…

  1. Join the FreelanceSwitch pool with your Flickr account.
  2. Once you’re joined, simply click on the “Add Photos” link to submit your photos! [Note: you’ll need to upload your photos to Flickr first.] Photos must be submitted before midnight on October 21st, 2010.
  3. We will be contacting our winners via their Flickr profiles, so please make sure your contact information on flickr is up to date.

That’s it!

The Rules, Fine Print, Etc

  • Envato staff and people who have written more than two tutorials/articles for a Tuts+ site are not eligible to enter.
  • Entries must be submitted by 12am October 21st, 2010, Eastern Standard Time. By submitting your photo, you are giving FreelanceSwitch permission to use your photo in a blog post or article on the site.
  • Judging will take place at the end of competition. The winners and their photos will announced on the site.
  • Multiple photo entries are allowed.
  • All decisions are final.
  • Entries that contain inappropriate content for the blog may be removed for any reason are not eligible to be counted.

We want to give a very big thank you to the wonderful guys at TeeLance for donating tees–if you’re short on “freelance formal” wear, you should check them out! Winners will be announced on FreelanceSwitch, and we’ll begin featuring the best images to accompany our articles.

I know we have some fantastic, talented photographers in our community, so I can’t wait to see the entries. Join the pool and show us what you’ve got!

Posted in Business, Freelancing, General, Web, Web Design.

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