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Boxee Offers HD Streaming Movies with VUDU

When it comes to streaming media, it looks like Boxee has the best of both worlds. That is, its hardware solution – the Boxee Box – makes it easy to bring streams like YouTube, Netflix or Pandora to your disconnected television. Now, its software solution will perform a similar feat with the addition of VUDU, a previously hardware-only provider of HD movie rentals.

In reality, both the hardware and software version will be bringing VUDU to your screen, whether TV or computer monitor. This morning, the two companies announced that VUDU would be coming to the Boxee platform in November.



VUDU was previously available on a number of devices, including Blu-ray players, HDTVs and home theater systems. Its inclusion in Boxee will be a win both for VUDU and for Boxee users, as VUDU finds a new distribution channel and Boxee users get a way to quickly stream HD, surround sound versions of newly-released movies. VUDU claims to have the largest HD library available, with more than 3000 HD titles available for $2 for two nights. In addition to coming to the Boxee software, VUDU will be integrated onto the soon-to-be released Boxee Box.

Avner Ronen, CEO and co-founder of Boxee, noted that “The fact that Boxee Box users will have access to the largest selection of HD content through Vudu in the highest quality available today really sets us apart from our set top box competitors.”

The movement to bring streaming, Internet video to the television is heating up with a number of providers, from Google TV to Roku to Apple TV and more, and any point of distinction could be a big one in this field. Newly-released movies (that you would only find on DVD and not on Netflix) could be a big attraction for some.


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