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ReadWriteWeb Community: Building Relationships One Double Rainbow at a Time

seamus_kid_vintage_150.jpgAs ReadWriteWeb’s Community Manager, one of my obvious responsibilities is serving as mother hen to our bustling communities on Twitter, Facebook, and elsewhere. As vital as pageviews are to our success, having an engaging, inclusive experience is just as important.

In my brief time at RWW so far, I’ve been figuring out what works best on the social media platforms we have a presence on. After many scientific calculations and liters of Diet Coke, I offer the following assessment of our current social media dossier.


twitter_new.jpgWe have over a million followers on this up-and-coming information network, but we haven’t let those big numbers inflate our egos. While we leverage Twitter primarily as an outlet to post our content, we’ve also recently begun sharing content from outside ReadWriteWeb that we find especially interesting and informative, and hope you will too. In addition to content, we frequently post discussion questions to our loyal followers to get their opinions on the hotness happening in tech and social media. Follow @RWW on Twitter and be amazed. You can also follow the insights of the entire ReadWriteWeb team by subscribing to our Twitter list.

Facebook_logo.jpgOur Facebook personality is a decidedly different flavor than Twitter. Whereas Twitter is great for sharing information through links, Facebook is great for conversation. That’s why our Facebook Page features frequent discussion questions in addition to select content from ReadWriteWeb and beyond. We also welcome you to post your own questions and insights. There is always a real person keeping an eye on the action to ensure maximum humanity. In the coming weeks and months, we’ll be working on some cool stuff for our Facebook presence, so why not get in on the ground floor and be part of something BIG.

digg_logo.jpgIt’s no secret that Digg is going through some major changes right now. Despite that, it continues to be a great place to discover and vote for content you find interesting. With the new version of Digg, you can follow us and read and interact with our content as soon as it gets published on on ReadWriteWeb. Follow us on Digg.

stumble_logo_apr09.pngSocial Bookmarking is still very much en vogue, and StumbleUpon is the little social bookmarking engine that could. While our presence on Stumble is currently our most underdeveloped, we plan on changing that by focusing on curating, err, I mean stumbling, on interesting content related to all things Web, tech, and social media. Follow us on StumbleUpon and discover what we discover.

In the coming weeks, we’ll also be be working to enhance our commenting and content sharing tools, so it will be even easier to share our insight (and yours) with your fellow geeks.

What else?
I’d love to get your thoughts and ideas on how we can evolve community at ReadWriteWeb, so please feel free to leave a comment on this post with your thoughts. You’re also welcome to email me or hit me up on Twitter.

Until next time.


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