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Make Better Web Sites with My Easy Step-by-Step Guide

How to Make Your Web Site Sell

Some web sites make their owners a LOT of money, by selling products, generating sales leads, or collecting valuable data.

A lot of others make no money at all. No one sees them, and if they do they don’t care to look further.

What may surprise you is which sites are the ones that actually make money. It often is not the ones that you or I would look at and say, “I like that!”.

Most of the web sites that sell do a few very important things right.

When you learn to spot the difference between a web site that sells and one that fails, you will see how easy it is to apply the same principles to your own sites.

Whether you are a web designer or a company looking to enhance your web presence, Save The Pixel is a must read.Paul Dixon

Only £27 (approx. $41.50)

Make Better Web pages Now

For the past fifteen years, I have designed all kinds of web sites, ranging from niche marketing sites to portals with hundreds of thousands of visits every day.

I have experimented with graphics, layout, wording, navigation, imagery every working day for a decade and a half.

Many of the designs I created have been very successful. And several have not. It has been the mistakes that have taught me the most.

Along the way, I have made enough mistakes to learn a few simple rules that – when you apply them to any web site – significantly increase effectiveness. I have used these techniques myself when redesigning dozens of failing sites, and transformed their power to generate revenue.

When you use my guide to simple web design, you will see how to make your web site stickier, more compelling, more accessible, and more appealing to use -instantly!

How to Make Your Sites Make More Money

I would like to pass my approach on to you, so that you can apply the principles and boost your web site’s profits. That’s why I wrote “Save the Pixel”, the simple guide to web sites that work that any site owner can use today on any web site.

You don’t need to be a designer to get the benefit of this book. If you are a site owner, web developer, or responsible for your organisation’s web site, the steps in “Save the Pixel” will help you get more success.

The principles in this book are really outstanding and really work. I utilized some of the techniques with the getability section and some various techniques, and it helped me close 2 projects worth over $4000 each.Brandon

Save the Pixel ebook

Simplicity is the Key

The “Save the Pixel” approach shows that simplicity is the key to your web site’s success. We have proved that simple web designs can consistently deliver better results.

One of the key insights of the book is “Success is a function of attention divided by stuff”. Attention is a fairly finite resource, but we can do a lot about stuff. Reduce the unnecessary stuff on your pages, and you’ll increase success.

Most web sites are designed to please the person who did the design – not the person who has to use the site. They include content and design that may be appealing, but do nothing to help conversion if they draw attention away from the elements that lead to success.

Any stuff that is added to a site that does not directly support the site’s goals by helping serve visitors will decrease the site’s effectiveness.

When done effectively, simple web design lets you guide your visitors’ attention to the clues that tell them they’re in the right place. It shows them exactly where to go next to find what they want, with minimal distraction.

It keeps them focused on the content (not the packaging of the content) and on the next steps you offer them.

Only £27 (approx. $41.50)

A Word of Caution!

But let me offer a word of caution: The simple approach is only effective when the right elements are included in the right way.

The 11 chapters of “Save the Pixel” will lead you through my comprehensive process for creating simple sites that works every time.

I’ll explain how you can:

  • Look at your web site through the eyes of a first-time visitor
  • Work quickly and maximize your effectiveness when making changes
  • Really understand what your visitors need to see – and what they don’t need!
  • Choose what to include and what to exclude
  • Discover compelling win-win propositions
  • Make every page instantly shout out “Yes! You’re in the right place!”
  • Arrange content for maximum effectiveness
  • Choose the right navigation options that make your site easier to use
  • Master the 7 key design factors that help you manage your visitors’ attention
  • Increase readability to make your site accessible to everyone

The first question is how to get a visitor’s attention. Then, how do you present your content and navigation so that they keep moving forwards?

“Save Hundreds of $$$”

Here’s what just one reviewer said.

If you are doing anything online, or are considering it, then Save the Pixel will be some of the most valuable stuff youll ever read.

If you’re just getting started and don’t have a site yet, Ben’s insights will save you a lot of time and hundreds of dollars in unnecessary design dead ends and fancy dysfunctional sites.


Only £27 (approx. $41.50)

The Secrets of Making a Successful Web Site

There are lots of books on marketing, SEO, usability, and graphic design techniques, but “Save the Pixel” is the first that pulls together all the most important techniques into a simple guide for site owners and designers.

The great news is, we’ve discovered through designing hundreds of web sites and running dozens of experiments that the things that make web sites really work are actually quite simple. Not only are the core skills simpler than you might think, I truly believe that you can make really effective web sites – without being a graphic design wizard!

In fact, most web sites lose visitors through the same simple mistakes, which actually make it harder for your visitors to engage with your brand, and less likely they’ll find what they want.

“Save the Pixel” was written to help you avoid making those mistakes, resulting in a site that works for your customers, and really supports your business goals.

Hundreds of Simple Techniques to Maximize Your Web Site’s Conversion Rate

“Save the Pixel” is both a simple design philosophy and a comprehensive toolkit of easy-to-use techniques that increase your web site’s success, and which any site owner can apply successfully.

Through a series over 20 full web redesign case studies, I present a complete set of vital pixel-saving principles.

My tutorials, notes, and “before & after” snapshots of each site redesign clearly show where pixels are so often wasted and what you can do to save them, without sacrificing appeal.

The results… clear and appealing web sites that people like to use – every time!

“Save the Pixel will change the way you design websites”

Spencer Norman

Only £27 (approx. $41.50)

What This Book Will Give You

Screenshots of web site redesigns from web design book

Insight into professional web design discipline that will help you create successful web sites and page designs in less time, with less effort and with more impact.

A full set of Design Principles to help you select the design solution that’s most likely to work, and to direct your creative energy effectively.

Dozens of Practical Techniques and tips on information architecture, page layout copy writing craft and graphic design.

A great series of over 20 case studies, where I redesign web sites & show these simple skills in action.

Confidence that YOU CAN apply my techniques today to great effect!

Don’t take my word for it

Howie Jacobson is the author of “Adwords for Dummies”. He says…

“Save the Pixel is the best book on web design and usability I’ve ever read, and one of the best books on internet marketing in general. If you’re sending traffic to your web site via Google AdWords and you haven’t discovered the strategies and tactics in Save the Pixel, I guarantee you’re throwing away money.

“It’s not just information, but a systematic way of designing a site for your customers rather than your web designer’s online portfolio. Save the Pixel is the one book I insist my clients read before I’ll roll out an AdWords campaign for them.”

You don’t have to follow a long, expensive course to learn the more important skills for designing great web sites.

Save the Pixel costs just £27 (less than US$42), and it really contains all you need to know to be able to craft really effective web design!

Here’s what a few fans say…

“Ben Hunt has done a great job writing this one, its simple, pleasure to read and – last but not least – cheap.”


“It’s just what I was looking for. I know it will be a lot of use for me to build my new website.

“I would have bought the e-book for double the price”

Edwin van de Plasse

Only £27 (approx. $41.50)

11 Chapters Crammed with Professional Tips

  1. The Art of Simple Web DesignThe core of the “Save the Pixel” campaign for simple, beautiful web sites. Includes “Enough, and no more”, “Design the content, not the box” and more tips on design discipline.Download this chapter for free
  2. Why are we Here?Looks at getting clear about your purpose before you start designing, with practical tips on setting and defining useful goals.
  3. Make a Site for its VisitorsUnderstanding what people are really looking for when they go to a web site, and helping deliver win-win solutions.
  4. Spread the Smell of SuccessThe importance of creating a scent trail that keeps visitors believing that they’re on track and engaged with the site.
  5. The Simple Shall Inherit the World Wide WebProof of why simple works in web design, and why being brilliant doesn’t necessarily mean being clever.
  6. Getability and the BrandIntroduces getability as the vital factor in a successful web page, and how it relates to the brand. Includes a guide on defining or developing a brand.
  7. LayoutHow to arrange web pages so that they’re getable at every level, with clear real estate, a focal point, and a meaningful information cascade.
  8. NavigationA comprehensive guide to types of navigation, with a host of tips on what makes nav really work.
  9. NoticeabilityBalancing the visual impact of elements on screen to manage the visitor’s attention to optimise retention and success. Looks at size, contrast, boldness, colour, space, 3D effects, and movement.
  10. Give me SpaceReveals the Golden Rule of Spacing – how to arrange elements on screen for maximum readability and perfect meaning.
  11. Design your ContentSaving the pixel brings the focus on your content. The final chapter is full of tips and tricks for crafting powerful text and imagery that get your message across better.

“The smartest guide to effective web design out there, and probably one of the best books on Internet marketing that youre likely to find.”


Only £27 (approx. $41.50)

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