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Browser Extension Lets You “Like” Tweets

by Alexia Tsotsis
Nov 24, 2010

It was inevitable, developer Jesse Stay has built a way “Like” tweets on the Twitter homepage. The winner of Kynetx’s Facebook App contest, Stay’s browser plugin uses Facebook’s iframe code to give you the option to “Like” in addition to “Retweet,””Favorite,” and “Reply to” Tweets on Chrome, Internet Explorer or Firefox. Just install the extension and the buttons show up when you hover over the tweet in your stream. Well if Twitter wasn’t going to do it …

“Liked” tweets will also get posted to your Facebook profile and are a defacto way to share your favorite posts on Twitter with your social graph. Stay plans on further customizing Twitter to integrate with Facebook through plugins and is working on a “post to Facebook” checkbox below Twitter status update box as well as Twitter and Facebook profile pic synchronization.

Around 65 million people currently “Like” stuff online daily. As the universal Internet “Like” button evolved out of the Facebook status update, it’s inevitable that the “Like” disease would somehow spread to Twitter status updates as well, especially since the end result is more traffic for everyone involved.

You can download the plugins here.

See original article here.

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