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Tag Archives: Real World

  1. Reimagining Home Improvement: Houzz vs. Better Homes and Gardens June 26, 2012

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  2. How the U.S. Army is Using Social Media July 13, 2011

    Posted in General, Technology, Web.

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  3. This Week in Photos: #NASATweetup and the Final Launch of the Space Shuttle July 9, 2011

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  4. Memorial Day: RWW’s Coverage of Military Tech May 30, 2011

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  5. What is the Math Gender Stereotype Doing to Silicon Valley Innovation? May 21, 2011

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  6. Free Dorothy: Using Social Media to Free a Journalist May 17, 2011

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  7. Africans Teach High Schoolers to Change Communities with Social Media May 4, 2011

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  8. Preserving Aboriginal Australian Heritage Online May 1, 2011

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  9. Love & Tech Give a Jazzman an Eternal Voice April 30, 2011

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  10. Open Source Farming April 27, 2011

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  11. A Final Tweet From the Front Lines: Tim Hetherington April 21, 2011

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  12. Mideast Youth Adds Bilingual Gay Platform with Game Mechanics April 19, 2011

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  13. How to Think Like a Geek & Make Tax Season Less Painful April 15, 2011

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  14. At Long Last Zebras are Scannable April 12, 2011

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  15. Using Twitter to Preserve Minority Languages March 19, 2011

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  16. Real-Time Japan News Resources March 15, 2011

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  17. Dot Obits: Supercomputer Scientist & Residential T1 Pioneer March 15, 2011

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  18. Tonight on Jeopardy: Man vs. Robot in a Fight to the Death…of Humanity! February 15, 2011

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  19. A Future Without Personal History January 20, 2011

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  20. Evidence Stuxnet May Be an American-Israeli Collaboration January 19, 2011

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  21. Computer History Museum Goes High-Tech January 19, 2011

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  22. KickStarter’s Best of 2010 is Super Inspiring January 14, 2011

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  23. Mapping the Mass Animal Die-Offs January 7, 2011

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  24. Dot Obits: An Internet Ethicist & A Critic of Technology January 7, 2011

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  25. MIT Launches Phone-Enabled Work Site for Haiti January 1, 2011

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