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Barnes and Noble drops the price of Nook HD, Nook HD+ tablets in the UK yet again

01 nookhdplus home landscape e Barnes and Noble drops the price of Nook HD, Nook HD+ tablets in the UK yet again

Barnes and Noble has slashed the cost of its Nook HD and Nook HD+ tablets once again in a bid to clear the decks.

The retailer announced today that the 7-inch, 8GB Nook HD now costs just £79 (previously cut to £99) while a 16GB unit costs £99 (previously £129).

Similarly, it has also dropped the price of its 9-inch Nook HD+ to £129 (previously £149) for the 16GB model and to £149 (previously £179) for the 32GB version.

In June, the company said it would stop manufacturing its own tablets, but would instead create a partnership model for future devices.

➤ Barnes & Noble Announces Amazing New Low Prices for Award-Winning NOOK HD and NOOK HD+ Tablets in the UK [Market Watch Press Release]

Featured Image Credit: Scott Olson/Getty Images


Read more : Barnes and Noble drops the price of Nook HD, Nook HD+ tablets in the UK yet again

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