In this tutorial we will be making a portfolio with HTML5, jQuery and CSS3 that features an interesting growing effect.
As usual, we start off with a blank HTML5 document, and add the needed stylesheets, markup and JavaScript includes.
Growing Thumbnails Portfolio with jQuery & CSS3 ); navigator.init(); });
When the document is loaded, we will create an instance of the class, passing the carousel div, the arrows and an optional parameter for whether you want the list to be shuffled. There is one more parameter that can go here – chunkSize. This property determines how many thumbnails will be featured at once, the default is 3.
The first step to achieve this, is to write the layout of the class:
// A Navigator "class" responsible for navigating through the carousel. function Navigator(config) this.carousel = $(config.carousel); //the carousel element this.nextButton = $(config.nextButton); //the next button element this.prevButton = $(config.prevButton); //the previous button element this.chunkSize = config.chunkSize // Method for handling arrow clicks this.handlePrevClick = function(e) {}; this.handleNextClick = function(e) {}; // show the next chunk of 3 lis this.showNextItems = function() {}; // show the previous chunk of 3 lis this.showPrevItems = function() {}; // These methods will determine whether to // show or hide the arrows (marked as private) this._checkForBeginning = function() {}; this._checkForEnd = function() {}; // A helper function for splitting the li // items into groups of 3 this._splitItems = function(items, chunk) {}; }
We are using an underscore to denote which properties and methods are private. External code should not use any property that starts with an underscore.
In the fragments below you can see how each of the methods are implemented. First comes init(), which sets up the carousel by binding event listeners and partitioning the carousel ul.
this.init = function () //Shuffle the array if neccessary if (this.shuffle) //remove visible tags this._items.removeClass('visible'); //shuffle list this._items.sort(function() return 0.5 - Math.random() ); //add visible class to first "chunkSize" items this._items.slice(0, this.chunkSize).addClass('visible'); } //split array of items into chunks this._chunks = this._splitItems(this._items, this.chunkSize); var self = this; //Set up the event handlers for previous and next button click self.nextButton.on('click', function(e) self.handleNextClick(e); ).show(); self.prevButton.on('click', function(e) self.handlePrevClick(e); ); // Showing the carousel on load self.carousel.addClass('active'); };
Next are the methods for handling arrow clicks.
this.handlePrevClick = function (e) e.preventDefault(); //as long as there are some items before the current visible ones, show the previous ones if (this._chunks[this._visibleChunkIndex - 1] !== undefined) this.showPrevItems(); }; this.handleNextClick = function(e) e.preventDefault(); //as long as there are some items after the current visible ones, show the next ones if (this._chunks[this._visibleChunkIndex + 1] !== undefined) this.showNextItems(); };
They call showPrevItems and showNextItems respectfully:
this.showNextItems = function() //remove visible class from current visible chunk $(this._chunks[this._visibleChunkIndex]).removeClass('visible'); //add visible class to the next chunk $(this._chunks[this._visibleChunkIndex + 1]).addClass('visible'); //update the current visible chunk this._visibleChunkIndex++; //see if the end of the list has been reached. this._checkForEnd(); ; this.showPrevItems = function() //remove visible class from current visible chunk $(this._chunks[this._visibleChunkIndex]).removeClass('visible'); //add visible class to the previous chunk $(this._chunks[this._visibleChunkIndex - 1]).addClass('visible'); //update the current visible chunk this._visibleChunkIndex--; //see if the beginning of the carousel has been reached. this._checkForBeginning(); ;
The above methods remove or assign the visible class, which is how we control the visibility of the thumbnails. It is a good idea to hide the previous/next arrow if there are no further items to show. This is done with the checkForBeginning and checkForEnd methods.
this._checkForBeginning = function(); //the prev button was clicked, so the next button can show. if (this._chunks[this._visibleChunkIndex - 1] === undefined) this.prevButton.hide(); else; }; this._checkForEnd = function(); //the next button was clicked, so the previous button can show. if (this._chunks[this._visibleChunkIndex + 1] === undefined) this.nextButton.hide(); else; };
Lastly, here is the splitItems method, which generates the chunks. It relies on the splice JavaScript method for removing parts of the array and adding them to the splitItems array (it becomes an array of arrays):
this._splitItems = function(items, chunk) var splitItems = [], i = 0; while (items.length > 0) splitItems[i] = items.splice(0, chunk); i++; return splitItems; };
Congrats! You now have a working example. We are only left with styling it.
The styling of the portfolio is defined in assets/css/styles.css. Only the more interesting parts are shown here, as the rest is omitted for brevity.
#carousel margin-top:200px; text-align:center; height:60px; background-color:#111; box-shadow:0 3px 5px #111; /* Initially hidden */ opacity:0; /* Will animate the grow effect */ -moz-transition:0.4s opacity; -webkit-transition:0.4s opacity; transition:0.4s opacity; opacity:1; /* The thumbnails, hidden by default */ #carousel li display:none; list-style:none; width:150px; height:150px; margin: -82px 18px 0; position:relative; -moz-transition:0.4s all; -webkit-transition:0.4s all; transition:0.4s all; /* This class will show the respective thumbnail */ #carousel li.visible display:inline-block; #carousel li a img border:none; #carousel li img display:block; width:auto; height:auto; max-width:100%; max-height:100%; position:relative; z-index:10; /* Creating the cradle below the thumbnails. Uses % so that it grows with the image. */ #carousel li:after content:''; background:url('../img/cradle.png') no-repeat top center; background-size:contain; bottom: 4%; content: ""; height: 50px; left: -6.5%; position: absolute; right: -6.5%; width: auto; z-index: 1; /* Enlarging the thumbnail */ #carousel li:hover height: 197px; margin-top: -152px; width: 222px;
With this our Growing Thumbnails Portfolio is complete!
It’s a wrap!
You can easily customize today’s example by incorporating a lightbox script, increasing the number of thumbnails shown at once, or even by turning it into a gallery. If you do something interesting be sure to share it in the comment section below!
In this tutorial we will be making a portfolio with HTML5, jQuery and CSS3 that features an interesting growing effect.}
Read more : Growing Thumbnails Portfolio
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