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As London cabbies protest, Uber launches UberTaxi platform for London cabbies

FireShot Screen Capture #179 - 'Uber Blog – Introducing_ #UberTAXI' - blog_uber_com_UberTAXI
Up to 12,000 black-cab drivers (cabbies) are expected to fill the streets of London today, in protest against technology-enabled services such as Uber. Their gripe? Uber allows its users to beckon a cab with their mobile phone, and the associated fare is worked out using a mobile phone and GPS. The crux of the issue here is that cabbies are comparing this to a taximeter, which legally only black cabs are allowed to use in the capital. So, what does Uber do to appease the situation? It launches UberTaxi, of course, its fourth service in the bustling British conurbation. Unlike its…

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