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AppCircus is coming to london again, for developers to showcase their apps

London 520x245 AppCircus is coming to london again, for developers to showcase their apps

Take note, startups, AppCircus is hitting London again soon to give app creators the chance to showcase their wares.

AppCircus last hit London back in November 2011, with Echoecho walking away triumphantly from the event which was hosted in the city’s TechHub.

Just to recap, AppCircus is a traveling showcase event that lets local creators demo their apps. The series of events seek to bring together developers and startups, with each participant getting a chance to be nominated for the Mobile Premier Awards, held during the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona each year.

This time ’round, AppCircus is being held at Google’s Campus, the Internet giant’s recently opened co-working space for startups in east London. The event will take place on July 4, 2012.

As with the previous London event, The Next Web has been recruited for one of the places on the jury, and we’ll take our seat alongside other panel members from Facebook, BluVia, m8 Capital and Calvium.

So, if you’re an app developer looking to gain exposure and perhaps make it MWC next year, you can register now – the deadline for applications is June 19. The event is free.

Meanwhile, if you can’t make it to the London leg, there’s also a Barcelona event coming up on June 21 and Lisbon on June 26, both of which are no longer accepting applications but could be worth heading along to anyway.

The need-to-knows…

What? AppCircus, London
When? Wednesday, July 4 2012 – doors open at 6pm
Where? Google Campus: 4-5 Bonhill Street, London EC2A 4BX
How? Register with AppCircus and then submit your app for consideration

Read more : AppCircus is coming to london again, for developers to showcase their apps

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