Skip to content hits 1m users for its on-demand movie and TV streaming service, 125k from the UK alone has surpassed one million subscribers for its on-demand movie and TV streaming service, in part because of 125,000 new users in the UK that have signed on since it launched on the island in September.

The Rakuten-owned startup is still relatively young and has only launched its service in the UK, Spain and Androrra so far. These numbers signal some notable traction, although it has a long way to go before it can match the 40 million subscribers paying for rival streaming service Netflix. has an interesting proposition, offering both unlimited streaming with Wuaki Selection (previously called Wuaki Plus) and the option to buy or rent digital titles individually, akin to iTunes, Vdio and the Google Play store.

The company has been rolling out numerous apps over the last few months, including support for the Xbox 360, iPad and Android devices, but it faces tough competition from Netflix and Amazon next year, who are both investing heavily in original content for their respective services.


Image Credit: Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images

Read more : hits 1m users for its on-demand movie and TV streaming service, 125k from the UK alone

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