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Traveling on business? Bizpora helps you meet interesting, relevant people

Bizpora 730x265 Traveling on business? Bizpora helps you meet interesting, relevant people

If you travel a lot on business, you’ll know how difficult it can sometimes be to meet relevant, interesting people, either as a sales/partnership prospect or simply just to hang out. Now that Nokia has shut down Dopplr, Bizpora is looking to step in to help travellers network more effectively.

The service integrates with LinkedIn to fill out your profile information, and lets you announce upcoming trips so that local people can connect with you. You can also view people planning to visit your city. Originally operating as Startup Stay (a kind of ‘Airbnb for startup co-founders’) Bizpora has been through the UK’s Ignite100 accelerator and now aims to facilitate meaningful connections wherever business people are likely to meet new people

➤ Bizpora

Thumbnail image credit: theeraphol/Shutterstock

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