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Lissted helps you find journalists and monitor the media on Twitter

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The press release distribution service RealWire has launched a new curation tool called Lissted. Its tagline is pretty self-explanatory: “Curating the media on Twitter.”

What it doesn’t say, though, is the size of its database (“the Lisst”), which includes over 10,000 journalists and growing. As a matter of fact, media professionals can also request to be listed by linking their Twitter account and filling up a detailed sign-up form asking about their areas of interest and specialities.

This isn’t only about vanity metrics: size matters when it comes to finding journalists focusing on your topic of predilection in a specific country. For instance, Lissted boasts that it provides UK users with a much more relevant database than its US competitor Muck Rack (see our previous article).

From a user’s perspective, Lissted offers advanced search features; you can look  for bloggers and journalists from all sorts of sectors or working for a specific media outlet in the region of your choice. Lissted will return detailed results, which includes Twitter accounts and Klout scores — and this search tool is free as long as you don’t use it more than 100 times a month.

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If you are wondering how RealWire plans to make money out of Lissted, the answer is simple, as the site’s functionalities go well beyond search. In addition to “Finding” journalists, Lissted’s users can also “Listen” and “Monitor” the media. In practical terms, this means they can get email alerts and browse their personalized content stream.

While some of these features are free as well for listed journalists, Lissted also offers advanced subscription plans targeted at PR and marketing professionals, which range from US$76 to US$232 a month (£49 to £149).

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On a higher level, Lissted is also a hats-off to the indispensable tool Twitter has become for the media. RealWire’s chief executive, Adam Parker explains:

“It is now the case that news not only breaks on Twitter, but it is also actively, and sometimes robustly, discussed and commented on by members of the media. We built Lissted as a comprehensive resource for the PR, marketing and media communities to engage with and discover relevant people and conversations on Twitter in the most efficient way possible.”

Overall, Lissted seems to be a pretty useful site for PRs and journalists. Still, it remains to be seen how it will play out with other platforms which are already part of our daily routine, such as TweetDeck and Hootsuite. At the moment, they aren’t integrated at all. However, things should change pretty soon, as RealWire is ”looking at ways of developing Lissted’s ability to work in tandem with these tools.”

Read more : Lissted helps you find journalists and monitor the media on Twitter

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