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  1. Apple Settles With FTC After Kids Blow Millions On The App Store January 15, 2014

    Posted in Apple, Web.

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  2. Do We Still Need Davos In A World Of Developers? January 15, 2014

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  3. 3 Reasons Apple Should Have Bought Nest January 15, 2014

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  4. Net Neutrality: What Happens Now That Verizon Has Vanquished The FCC January 15, 2014

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  5. Getting Started With Google Chromecast: The Unofficial Manual January 4, 2014

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  6. How Technology Simplified My Move To A Big City January 4, 2014

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  7. Know Your Phone’s Limits: How To Handle Your Gadget In The Cold January 4, 2014

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  8. Vine Launches Web Access For Profiles, Feeds, Plus TV Mode January 3, 2014

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  9. CES 2014: Connected Home And Wearables To Take Center Stage January 3, 2014

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  10. Senior Tech: My 2014 Help List For Dad January 3, 2014

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  11. Online Privacy: We Are The Authors Of Our Own Demise January 3, 2014

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  12. 4K In 2014: Will YouTube, Netflix Bring Ultra HD Into Mainstream? January 3, 2014

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  13. Qualcomm Toq: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly [Review] January 3, 2014

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  14. Snapchat Responds To Massive Hack January 3, 2014

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  15. Your Facebook Messages May Not Be So Private January 2, 2014

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  16. The BBC’s Social Media Problem With Sherlock January 2, 2014

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  17. The Anti-Resolution: How I Stay On The Ball With Fitness All Year Long January 2, 2014

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  18. The Sound Of Music May Have Been Composed By The Machine January 1, 2014

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  19. Digital Ads: How Facebook, Google+, And Twitter Target Us January 1, 2014

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  20. Three Reasons Your Startup Will Suffer Without DevOps January 1, 2014

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  21. The App-Driven Life: How To Stick To Your 2014 New Year’s Resolutions January 1, 2014

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  22. How Tech Is Driving The Business Of Instant Gratification December 31, 2013

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  23. Cloud Wars In 2014: Amazon Versus Google And Other Follies December 31, 2013

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  24. The NSA Spies On America’s Favorite Device—Time To Get Angry December 31, 2013

    Posted in Apple, Web.

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