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  1. What Foursquare Check-Ins Look Like Around The World September 26, 2013

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  2. Apple Releases iOS 7.0.2 To Fix Lock Screen Glitch September 26, 2013

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  3. Missing Downton Abbey? Here’s How US Fans Can Get A Fix Now September 26, 2013

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  4. Pinterest Is Testing A New Look That Highlights Big Brands September 26, 2013

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  5. We Tested Standing Desks—Here’s Proof They Make You More Productive September 26, 2013

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  6. Nest Wants To Be The Hub Of The Connected Home September 26, 2013

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  7. Why PayPal’s Shopping Spree Isn’t Over—How About Foursquare Next? September 26, 2013

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  8. PayPal Buys Braintree To Get A Foothold In App Payments September 26, 2013

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  9. Roku Strikes Back Against The Chromecast Menace September 26, 2013

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  10. Just What Are Online Courses Good For? A Q&A With Harvard’s Peter Bol September 25, 2013

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  11. Valve: We Have A "Steam Machine" Prototype, Vague Plans For More Hardware September 25, 2013

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  12. 10 Awesome Instagram Accounts That Science Geeks Should Follow September 25, 2013

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  13. Twitter Alerts Keep Users Updated During An Emergency September 25, 2013

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  14. Oracle Reverses Course, Embraces Cloud Before Its Customers All Flee September 25, 2013

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  15. What’s In A College Degree? Maybe Not As Much As You Think September 25, 2013

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  16. My First 100 Days With Google Glass September 25, 2013

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  17. Amazon Beefs Up Its Tablets With New Kindle Fire HDX September 25, 2013

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  18. Big Data, Apple Driving Industry’s Biggest Salaries September 24, 2013

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  19. Pinterest’s Visual Web Makes Way For Text September 24, 2013

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  20. With SteamOS, Valve Is Taking On The Xbox One And PlayStation 4 September 24, 2013

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  21. The Traditional University Lecture Is Dead September 24, 2013

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  22. Cops To Apple Users: Please Update To iOS 7 September 23, 2013

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  23. BlackBerry Acquisition Means It Will Never Again Be A Consumer Tech Company September 23, 2013

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  24. What Microsoft Gets Wrong With Its New Surface Tablets September 23, 2013

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  25. Oracle Plays Catch-Up With New ‘In-Memory’ Database Technology September 23, 2013

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