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  1. This Coding Competition For Teens Was Also Created By A Teen October 10, 2013

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  2. Go On, Guess What Amazon’s Top-Selling Gadget Is Right Now October 10, 2013

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  3. Google Maps Update: Now Multi-Legged, Personalized And Eventful October 9, 2013

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  4. Twitter Wants To Be Your New TV Remote Control October 9, 2013

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  5. With Real-Time Recommendations, Foursquare Checks Into Google And Apple’s Turf October 9, 2013

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  6. Pinterest Rolls Out ‘Promoted Pins’ Ads—But No Advertisers October 9, 2013

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  7. No One But Eric Schmidt Cares If Android Is More Secure Than iOS October 9, 2013

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  8. Food Porn: Short Enjoyment, Long Dissatisfaction October 9, 2013

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  9. Most Developers Are Middle-Aged Married Folks, Yet Brogrammers Persist October 9, 2013

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  10. Firefox OS Sees Success, Gets Opened To New Markets October 9, 2013

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  11. iPad Users Will Get Microsoft Office—But Only After Windows Gets A Touch-Friendly Version October 8, 2013

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  12. Older Samsung Phones Banned For U.S. Import, As If It Mattered October 8, 2013

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  13. Apple’s New iPad To Be Announced October 22 [Report] October 8, 2013

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  14. Yahoo Mail Catches Up To Gmail, Though Killing The Ads Will Cost You October 8, 2013

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  15. Bitcoin’s Value Is Demonstratively Linked To Illicit Use October 8, 2013

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  16. If Nokia Developers Want Support, They Have Quizzes And Contests To ‘Earn’ It October 8, 2013

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  17. PayPal, Aiming For Retail Ubiquity, Adds One More Way To Pay October 8, 2013

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  18. Amazon To Give Developers Rewards To Build For The Kindle Fire October 8, 2013

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  19. DNS-Based Attack Brings Down New Victim: WhatsApp October 8, 2013

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  20. Silk Smoothly Tries To Redefine Content Management October 8, 2013

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  21. What’s Holding Up New Chromecast Apps? Nothing … But Google, That Is October 8, 2013

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  22. European Cloud Users Could Shun U.S. Cloud Services Altogether October 7, 2013

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  23. The Future Of BlackBerry Points To Software October 7, 2013

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  24. Meet Four Teen Hackers (And Another Even Younger One) October 7, 2013

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  25. Surprise: 3D Printing Won’t Be Closing Any Factories Down October 7, 2013

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