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  1. The Latest New York Times Web App Misses The Point Of Responsive Design December 5, 2013

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  2. Behavior-Based Anticipatory Computing Coming To Social Networks December 5, 2013

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  3. Twitter Appoints First Woman To Board Of Directors December 5, 2013

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  4. Google And Oracle Set For Round 2 In Java Copyright Case December 5, 2013

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  5. Why Your Mobile Analytics Kit Wants To Be Open Source December 5, 2013

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  6. Meet The JavaScript Framework That Might Save HTML5 From Itself December 5, 2013

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  7. Bluetooth 4.1: What It Means For Developers And Consumers December 5, 2013

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  8. 2M Passwords For Facebook, Twitter And Others Stolen In Massive Data Breach December 5, 2013

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  9. The Supercomputer In Your Driveway December 4, 2013

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  10. Andy Rubin Built Android; Now He’s Building Robots For Google December 4, 2013

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  11. Google May be Planning To Port Chrome Apps Everywhere December 4, 2013

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  12. Mashery Gets Into The Hackathon Business December 4, 2013

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  13. Google Ups The Ante Against Amazon’s Cloud, And That’s A Good Thing For Business December 4, 2013

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  14. Spotify Demystifies Its Business Model, Sort Of—But Disgruntled Artists May Not Care December 3, 2013

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  15. Amazon’s Cloud Economics Are Now Disrupting The SaaS Disruptors December 3, 2013

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  16. Apple Acquires Twitter Analytics Platform Topsy For $200 Million December 3, 2013

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  17. Bitcoin Fever Has Spawned 100+ Copycat Cryptocurrencies December 3, 2013

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  18. Let The Music Play—All Around Your House December 3, 2013

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  19. 10 Google Chrome Extensions That Save Time And Keep You Organized December 3, 2013

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  20. How The Visual Web Is Changing Holiday Shopping December 3, 2013

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  21. The War Over Open Platform Services Is Just Getting Started December 3, 2013

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  22.’s Lynda Weinman: Educating Online Before It Was Cool December 3, 2013

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  23. Facebook Wants To Fill Your News Feed With Actual News December 3, 2013

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  24. Salesforce Backtracks, Awards Second $1M Prize In Its Hackathon Scandal December 2, 2013

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  25. Why The HTML5 Vs. Native Debate Obscures The Real Challenges Of Mobility December 2, 2013

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