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  1. 3 Security Tips For Every User From NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden March 17, 2014

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  2. Influential Developer Julie Ann Horvath Quits GitHub, Charging ‘Harassment’ March 15, 2014

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  3. How APIs Connect The World March 14, 2014

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  4. Just How Cheap Can Public Cloud Computing Get? March 14, 2014

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  5. The Robot Operating System Debuts In Space March 14, 2014

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  6. How I Learned To Separate The Benefits From The Babble At SXSW 2014 March 14, 2014

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  7. Titanfall Launch Party: Hands-On With Xbox One’s First Real Game March 14, 2014

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  8. Google’s Smartwatch Is Starting To Look Like A Reality March 13, 2014

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  9. Why Users Aren’t Going To Revolt Against Facebook Video Ads March 13, 2014

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  10. IT And Business: Allies At Last Against Legacy Infrastructure March 13, 2014

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  11. Pushing Fitness Tech To The Austin City Limits At SXSW March 13, 2014

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  12. Amazon Jacks Up The Price Of Prime To $99 March 13, 2014

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  13. The Smart Car Will Be Hacked March 13, 2014

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  14. Yahoo Partners With Yelp To Bring Reviews To Search March 12, 2014

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  15. What Would An Internet Bill Of Rights Look Like? March 12, 2014

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  16. Anyone Can Learn To Code: A Case Study March 12, 2014

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  17. How iOS 8 Will Fix Apple Maps March 12, 2014

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  18. Chelsea Clinton To Silicon Valley: Hey, You’re Supposed To Be Changing The World March 11, 2014

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  19. ‘Soft Electronics’ Makes Wearable Computing Something You’d Actually Wear March 11, 2014

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  20. Raspberry Pi Gets A Sound Card: 3 Ways To Use It March 11, 2014

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  21. Volkswagen: ‘The Car Must Not Become A Data Monster" March 11, 2014

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  22. How The Oculus Rift Is Helping NASA Find Life On Other Planets March 10, 2014

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  23. 7 Things You Need To Know About iOS 7.1 March 10, 2014

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  24. Google Needs To Double Down On HTML5, And Soon March 10, 2014

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  25. NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden: Keep Their Hands Off Our Data March 10, 2014

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