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  1. The FAA Has Turned Off The No Electronics Sign October 31, 2013

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  2. Android 4.4 KitKat: Aimed At The Next Billion Smartphone Users October 31, 2013

    Posted in Android, Web.

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  3. The Nexus 5 Is Here, And It Will Set You Back $349—With No Contract October 31, 2013

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  4. Rise Of The Renter Class: In A Spotify World, Need We Own Anything? October 31, 2013

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  5. Networked Intelligent Bicycles Are Transforming Urban Riding October 31, 2013

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  6. Bluetooth: The One Technology That Connects My Fitness Routine October 31, 2013

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  7. At Facebook, Almost Half Of Ad Revenue Now Comes From Mobile October 30, 2013

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  8. ReadWriteContest: 100,000 Fans On Facebook Sweepstakes October 30, 2013

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  9. Twitter Images And The Anti-Social Social Network October 30, 2013

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  10. Why The $110B Gift Card Industry Must Die October 30, 2013

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  11. Google Glass 2.0 Is Coming—Here’s What Would Make It Incredibly Cool October 30, 2013

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  12. Five Face-Saving Alternatives To Google Glass October 30, 2013

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  13. Motorola Wants Everyone To Build Smartphones Like Lego Kits October 29, 2013

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  14. Twitter Plays Catch Up On The Visual Web October 29, 2013

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  15. Google May Be Ready To Deliver A Smartwatch To The World October 29, 2013

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  16. What Playing Pokemon Can Teach Adults—No, Really! October 29, 2013

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  17. It Came From Above: Why Copters Are The Next Big Thing In Robotics October 29, 2013

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  18. Amazon MatchBook Seems To Be A Mismatch October 29, 2013

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  19. Software-Defined Infrastructure, As Cloudy Now As Cloud Was October 29, 2013

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  20. Apple Stems Its iPad Decline October 28, 2013

    Posted in Apple, Web.

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  21. Snaps For The Visual Web: The Psychology Behind Snapchat’s $3.5-Billion Price Tag October 28, 2013

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  22. The Time Has Come For Smartwatches October 28, 2013

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  23. Nokia Lumia 2520 vs. iPad Air: Who Comes Out On Top? October 28, 2013

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  24. Why Proprietary Big Data Technologies Have No Hope Of Competing With Hadoop October 28, 2013

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  25. Just How Bad Is Your Internet Connection? October 28, 2013

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