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  1. What A Four Seasons Promotion Tells Us About Businesses And Pinterest August 30, 2013

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  2. Facebook Dispels Any Remaining Confusion: You Are Its Product August 30, 2013

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  3. U.S. App Makers: Seize Global Opportunity While You Still Can—Like Quip Just Did August 29, 2013

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  4. Foursquare Update Pushes Location Recommendations August 29, 2013

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  5. Enterprise Gets Serious About Cloud Computing August 29, 2013

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  6. Level Up: Video Games Are The New Educational Hack August 29, 2013

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  7. It Has Been A Bad Summer For Apple’s iOS 7 August 29, 2013

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  8. The Tricorder Is Here, And I’ve Used It On Myself August 29, 2013

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  9. iOS 7 Beta Users Report Getting Locked Out Of Their iPhones August 29, 2013

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  10. Copy Protection For 3D Printing May Have Arrived August 28, 2013

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  11. Facebook Gives Immersive 3D Gaming A Boost August 28, 2013

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  12. How To Avoid Getting Your DNS Hacked Like The New York Times August 28, 2013

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  13. Parallels App Aims To Let Your Fingers Do The Tapping On Remote Desktops August 28, 2013

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  14. Why One Big Mobile News Publisher Is Embracing Google Glass August 28, 2013

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  15. Sizing The Big Data Market: No One Has A Clue August 28, 2013

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  16. So Dropbox Can Be Hacked—What Else Is New? August 28, 2013

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  17. New York Times, Twitter, Other Sites Reportedly Hacked by Syrian Electronic Army August 27, 2013

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  18. U.S. Leads The Way In Requests For Facebook User Data August 27, 2013

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  19. VMware Is Starting To Make Some Of Its Partners Nervous August 27, 2013

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  20. Yahoo Rolls Out Redesign August 27, 2013

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  21. Code That Scales: How Pinterest Added 70 Million Users Without Rebuilding Its Website August 27, 2013

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  22. Amazon Creates New Way For Developers To Monetize Apps August 27, 2013

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  23. 22 Years Later, The Linux And Open Source "Cancer" Is Wonderfully Benign August 27, 2013

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  24. Hey, Facebook! Connecting The World To The Web Isn’t Enough August 27, 2013

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  25. Where To Get A Chromecast Now, And Why You May Want To Wait August 27, 2013

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