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  1. Google I/O Fireside Chat: How Google is Pulling an Apple with Google+ July 5, 2012

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  2. Accidental Entrepreneurs: Meet the New Breed of Startup Founders July 5, 2012

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  3. Internet Outage Last Weekend Was Preventable July 5, 2012

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  4. Cartoon: "Hello World" Problems July 4, 2012

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  5. Why “Good Enough” Security Really Is Good Enough for Most Companies July 4, 2012

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  6. How to Watch Baseball Online – Legally or Illegally July 4, 2012

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  7. FIFA: Soccer Refs Might Use Sensor Networks to Keep Score July 3, 2012

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  8. On Email Issue, Facebook Concedes You May Not Be "Confused" After All July 3, 2012

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  9. 5 Things You Need to Know About Where Google Is Going Next July 3, 2012

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  10. Youtubers React to New Site Features: Bulk Annotations, Editing Software, Sound Stages July 3, 2012

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  11. Microsoft Slashes Windows 8 Upgrade Pricing – Because It Can’t Afford Not To July 3, 2012

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  12. Sony’s $380 Million Gaikai Acquisition Validates Streaming Gaming Strategy July 3, 2012

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  13. How Open Source Hardware Is Driving the 3D-Printing Industry July 3, 2012

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  14. Finding – and Funding – the Next Mark Zuckerberg July 3, 2012

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  15. Why We Still Need the Open Source VLC Media Player July 3, 2012

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  16. Top Trends of 2012: Social Video Apps (Warning: Seedy Content!) July 3, 2012

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  17. What RIM Moving to Windows Phone 8 Would Mean July 2, 2012

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  18. What to Do if Facebook Changed Your Email Address Without Your Permission July 2, 2012

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  19. Why You May Not Be Getting the Latest Android Update Anytime Soon July 2, 2012

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  20. It is Time to Hack the Future of TV July 2, 2012

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  21. Instagram Inches Closer To Having a Web App July 2, 2012

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  22. Indiana’s Sewers: An Outpost on the Internet of Things July 2, 2012

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  23. A Love Letter to the Cable Guy, or How Really Fast Broadband Changes Everything July 2, 2012

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  24. Don’t Be Evil: 3 Ways Google Maps is Making the World a Better Place July 2, 2012

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  25. In Social Networks, Not All Opinion Leaders Are Created Equal July 2, 2012

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