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  1. Why Apple Doesn’t Care About Dropping Off the EPEAT List of Environmentally Friendly Electronics July 11, 2012

    Posted in Apple, Web.

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  2. Small Open Source Software License Project Attracts Big Interest July 11, 2012

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  3. From Contest to Company: 6 Tips for Taking a Startup to the Next Level July 11, 2012

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  4. [Video] Slay Zombies Beautifully With Dead Trigger – Hump Day App Review July 11, 2012

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  5. 20 Hours Left to Help 300 Kids Learn to Code This Summer July 11, 2012

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  6. Google Gets the Biggest FTC Privacy Fine in History – and Deserves It July 10, 2012

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  7. Comedy Duo Smosh Hits 5 Million Subscribers July 10, 2012

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  8. [Poll] What Are the Best Features of a 7-inch Tablet? July 10, 2012

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  9. SOPA Lives! New Bill Seeks to Resurrect Expansion of IP Enforcement Powers July 10, 2012

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  10. Is It Dangerous for Google to Engage in Issue Advocacy? July 10, 2012

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  11. Is GitHub Selling Out or Moving Up? July 10, 2012

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  12. Teen Sexting Really Does Mean Teen Sex July 10, 2012

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  13. Microsoft’s Imagine Cup Student Software Contest Holds Lessons for Startups July 10, 2012

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  14. Kayak Tests the Post-Facebook IPO Market July 9, 2012

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  15. Microsoft Windows 8 October Release Timed to Appease Hardware Makers July 9, 2012

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  16. Baseball’s All-Star Twitter Strategy Keeps Players on a Short Leash July 9, 2012

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  17. Why Did Microsoft Buy Giant-Touchscreen-Maker Perceptive Pixel? July 9, 2012

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  18. How to Curb Aggressive Mobile Ad Networks July 9, 2012

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  19. Leaked Twitter iPhone App Update: Here’s What to Expect July 9, 2012

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  20. Clearwire on the Ropes: How a Broadband Contender Can Succeed by Failing July 9, 2012

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  21. Hubble Captures a Dying Star – U Camelopardalis – Taking Its Last Breath July 9, 2012

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  22. What Is the Point of: Google+ Hangouts? July 9, 2012

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  23. Please Revamp iTunes: 5 Ways Apple Should Improve Its Media Player July 9, 2012

    Posted in Apple, Web.

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  24. Get Your Startup Into a Top Accelerator: 4 Insider Tips July 9, 2012

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  25. Weekly Wrap-Up: The Evolution of Google+, Mobile Dominates in 2012 and More July 7, 2012

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