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  1. 10 Most Popular Hashtags on Instagram July 13, 2012

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  2. 1,300,000 Reasons Why Mobile Phone Users Can’t Expect Privacy July 13, 2012

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  3. Facebook, NBC Strike Gold In Olympic Coverage Pact July 13, 2012

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  4. What Lamar Smith Did – and Didn’t – Learn from SOPA July 13, 2012

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  5. How to Tell if Your Mac Is Ready for Mountain Lion July 13, 2012

    Posted in Apple, Web.

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  6. Get Your Startup Bought: How to Plan for an Acquisition July 13, 2012

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  7. How a Looming Talent Gap Will Crush Enterprise Hopes for Big Data July 13, 2012

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  8. Betaworks Buys Digg’s Corpse July 12, 2012

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  9. Facebook Makes It Easier for Mobile Apps to Work Together July 12, 2012

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  10. Yahoo’s 450,000-Account Security Breach: Whose Fault Was It? July 12, 2012

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  11. [Video] Sexting, Censorship & Surface-to-Air Missiles July 12, 2012

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  12. RWW Recommends: The Best Mobile Payments App July 12, 2012

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  13. The Future of Publishing? 3 Problems with Netflix-For-Magazines July 12, 2012

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  14. Vevo to YouTube: Lower Your Fees or We’re Leaving and Taking Justin Bieber with Us July 12, 2012

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  15. The Key To Crowdsourcing? Smarter Crowds July 12, 2012

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  16. Hiring, Social Media Experts See Facebook Jobs Board Proposal As Half Baked July 12, 2012

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  17. Startup Takes Aim at Credit Card Companies by Eliminating Transaction Fees July 12, 2012

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  18. These Surface-To-Air Missiles Will Be Deployed on London Rooftops July 12, 2012

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  19. What the Heck Is a Higgs Boson? Watch These Videos July 12, 2012

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  20. Great Startups Need Founders’ Heart, Mind and Soul July 12, 2012

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  21. Apple’s Brilliant Boondoggle: MacBook Pro Retina Display July 12, 2012

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  22. Cartoon: A Need-to-Know Basis July 12, 2012

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  23. Russian Internet Censorship Diminishes the Entire Internet July 12, 2012

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  24. Smart Homes Get Smarter as Utilities Join In July 11, 2012

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  25. Bringing Enterprise Data to Your Mobile Workers July 11, 2012

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