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  1. Google Partners Up to Sell Cloud Computing and Storage July 24, 2012

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  2. Amazon’s Mobile Push Borrows From Both Apple & Samsung July 24, 2012

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  3. [Survey] Developer Interest in Enterprise Apps Likely to Benefit Microsoft July 24, 2012

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  4. Social Marketers Court Influencers But Ignore Susceptibility, Research Shows July 24, 2012

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  5. Is Microsoft Pricing Itself Out of Its Own App Market? July 24, 2012

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  6. Google Search Shapes Memory, New Research Shows July 24, 2012

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  7. Earnings Show Who Really Drives the Mobile Economy July 24, 2012

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  8. Tablet Travelers Still Pulling Content, Not Pushing Productivity July 24, 2012

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  9. [Infographic] Why Software Users Upgrade – And Why They Don’t July 24, 2012

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  10. DoJ Whacks “Self-Serving” Apple in Response to E-Book Settlement Comments July 24, 2012

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  11. Girls Who Code: Crashing the “Brogram” July 24, 2012

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  12. Online Video Ads Hit a Record: 11 Billion Spots Streamed in June July 23, 2012

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  13. Apple Earnings Preview: 5 Numbers That Matter July 23, 2012

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  14. Microsoft Assembling “SWAT Team” to Boost Bing July 23, 2012

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  15. Video: Now You Can Travel Back & Forth Through Time on Google Earth July 23, 2012

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  16. Mark Zuckerberg Wins Approval For His First-Ever Patent Application – From 6 Years Ago July 23, 2012

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  17. Copyright Alert System, Widely Feared, Is Toothless July 23, 2012

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  18. The Best App Is the One You Don’t Have to Use July 23, 2012

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  19. Taking Your Startup Global July 23, 2012

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  20. ReadWriteWeb DeathWatch: T-Mobile USA July 23, 2012

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  21. Weekly Wrap-Up: There’s a New Evening Edition, the Mac Retina Display Disagreement and Twitter’s Credibility Problem July 21, 2012

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  22. Censored Romney Videos Highlight YouTube Abuse of Copyright Claims July 20, 2012

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  23. Apple Won’t Let You See What iPhone Apps Do With Your Data July 20, 2012

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  24. Kayak and Palo Alto Networks Put Technology IPOs Back on Track July 20, 2012

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  25. How Cybersleuths Took Down Spam King Grum July 20, 2012

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