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  1. Hulu Benefits From New Mountain Lion Mirroring Feature August 1, 2012

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  2. Cartoon: The iPad Is Ready for Working by Hand August 1, 2012

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  3. [Video] 3 Ways Microsoft’s is Better Than Gmail August 1, 2012

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  4. 5 Reasons Why I Ditched My iPad for a Google Nexus 7 August 1, 2012

    Posted in Android, Web.

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  5. Why Aren’t the Indian Blackouts Affecting the Country’s Technology Centers? August 1, 2012

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  6. Want Your Startup to Succeed? Stay Home August 1, 2012

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  7. Electronic Medical Records Finally Become a Reality, Thanks to the iPad August 1, 2012

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  8. Hijacked Walmart Facebook Promotion Holds a Lesson in Local Marketing July 31, 2012

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  9. Twitter Drives New Insights in the Social Sciences July 31, 2012

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  10. Twitter Apologizes for Banning Reporter, But Free Speech Questions Linger July 31, 2012

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  11. Social Connections Driving the Future of Microsoft Office, July 31, 2012

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  12. Take a Tour of Microsoft’s Hotmail Replacement July 31, 2012

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  13. Oracle Fires Warning Shot At Cisco With Network Virtualization Buy July 31, 2012

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  14. An iPad-Toting Mom Reviews the Google Nexus 7 July 31, 2012

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  15. Sim City: Inside South Korea’s $35 Billion Plan to Build a City from Scratch July 31, 2012

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  16. Hactivists Spoof the New York Times, Mainstream Media Miss the Point July 31, 2012

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  17. Get Your Email Address for, Microsoft’s New Hotmail Killer July 31, 2012

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  18. The End of Cable TV? How Everyone Will Watch Television In The Future July 31, 2012

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  19. The Method Behind Apple’s Patent Madness July 31, 2012

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  20. How NBC’s Olympics Strategy Became a New Media Fiasco July 31, 2012

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  21. [Review] Eloqua’s Grande Guide to Community Management July 31, 2012

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  22. Investment in Digital Health Triples Over Past Year July 31, 2012

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  23. Top Yahoo Exec Ross Levinsohn Steps Down July 30, 2012

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  24. Digg Re-Emerges as a Single Source of "What the Internet is Talking About" July 30, 2012

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  25. Apple vs. Samsung: What’s Behind Their High-Stakes Patent Clash July 30, 2012

    Posted in Apple, Web.

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