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  1. What APIs Are And Why They’re Important September 19, 2013

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  2. Big Data Investments Currently Earn 50 Cents For Every Dollar Invested September 19, 2013

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  3. Why You Might Want To Wait Before Upgrading To iOS 7 September 18, 2013

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  4. White House To FCC: Unlock These Smartphones Now! September 18, 2013

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  5. iOS 7 Is Now Available To The Public September 18, 2013

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  6. Google Wants You To Live Longer—Much, Much Longer September 18, 2013

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  7. Google Data Centers Use A Lot Of Hot Air September 18, 2013

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  8. Gartner On Big Data: Everyone’s Doing It, No One Knows Why September 18, 2013

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  9. Why The Internet Of Things Might Try To Kill You September 18, 2013

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  10. A Visual History Of The Last 20 Years Of Open Source Code September 17, 2013

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  11. Home Decor: E-commerce’s Unsolved Problem September 17, 2013

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  12. For Older iOS Devices, Users Get Most Recent Compatible App September 17, 2013

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  13. Is Microsoft Doubling Down On the Exact Wrong Mobile Strategy? September 17, 2013

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  14. Bing Getting New Look, Features; Does It Matter? September 17, 2013

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  15. 11 Ways Your Startup’s Workspace Matters September 17, 2013

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  16. Oh, My: George Takei Dishes About Activism, Google Glass And Becoming A Social Media Star September 17, 2013

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  17. Google Acquires Bump, The Simple File Sharing App September 16, 2013

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  18. Box Notes Takes Its Shot Against Office September 16, 2013

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  19. America’s Cup And The Science of Sailing September 16, 2013

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  20. Amazon: Vinyl Record Sales Up 745% Since 2008 September 16, 2013

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  21. Linux Development Report: Mobile Vendors Storm The Linux Bazaar September 16, 2013

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  22. The Art Of Technology And Vice Versa: Polyvore’s Jess Lee September 16, 2013

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  23. Google Waves Goodbye To MySQL In Favor Of MariaDB September 14, 2013

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  24. Nokia Android Phone Was Real—As Was A Microsoft Surface Phone September 13, 2013

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