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  1. NASA to Test Inflatable Re-Entry Vehicle at Hypersonic Speeds July 18, 2012

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  2. Utilities and Other Industries Not Ready for Big Data, Say New Oracle Reports July 18, 2012

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  3. Sarah Penna: The Most Influential New Media Entrepreneur You’ve Never Heard Of July 18, 2012

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  4. The New Microsoft Office: 20 Things to Like, Not Like and Worry About July 18, 2012

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  5. Firm Predicts Slow Going for Key Olympic Websites July 18, 2012

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  6. How the Instagram-Facebook Merger Paid Off for One Company (At Least) July 18, 2012

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  7. What’s Killing the Printer Business? July 18, 2012

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  8. Age Bias: Young Startup Founders Get More Investor Cash July 18, 2012

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  9. Iceland’s Cheap, Green Cloud: How a Tiny Island Could Drive Big Changes July 18, 2012

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  10. Cartoon: A Thief in the Night July 18, 2012

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  11. [Video] Get Your Structural Engineering On: Bridge Constructor – Hump Day Review July 18, 2012

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  12. Does Microsoft’s "Forgetting" the EU’s Browser Ballot Matter Anymore? July 18, 2012

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  13. New Mahdi Strain of Spyware Targets Iran & Israel July 17, 2012

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  14. Is a VMware/EMC Cloud Spin-Off in the Works? July 17, 2012

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  15. What a Successful Facebook Mobile Strategy May Look Like July 17, 2012

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  16. Will EC Antitrust Investigation Reveal Microsoft Malfeasance, or Just Incompetence? July 17, 2012

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  17. The New Office 365: Baby Steps in the Right Direction July 17, 2012

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  18. Study Highlights Problems In Spreading Social Media Messages July 17, 2012

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  19. Amazon Gets Ready for Sales Taxes July 17, 2012

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  20. SpaceX Dragon Passes Manned Spaceflight Tests July 17, 2012

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  21. "Breaking Bad" Debut Fills the Second Screen July 17, 2012

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  22. Twitter’s Credibility Problem July 17, 2012

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  23. The World According to Microsoft: 12 Semi-Random Factoids July 17, 2012

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  24. Counterpoint: The Retina MacBook Pro Is Not a "Boondoggle" at All July 17, 2012

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  25. 7 Ways to Help Startup Workers Innovate July 17, 2012

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