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Samsung looks to London for better software as it plans a new innovation center for the city

95615499 Samsung looks to London for better software as it plans a new innovation center for the cityAmid fierce competition from smartphone manufacturers, Samsung is feeling the pressure to break new ground — and it has selected London to host its next innovation center to focus on software development, Marketing Magazine reports.

Brendon Kim, senior director of Samsung’s Open Innovation Center, told Marketing Magazine that a London-based center is likely to launch in two years, which would help it engage better with software startups in the region.

The planned move comes after Samsung set up a Strategy and Innovation Center in Silicon Valley earlier this year, aimed at helping it further integrate with startups there, as well as work with accelerators and other larger companies like Google and Facebook.

Samsung picks London for next software innovation center [Marketing Magazine]

Headline image via Jung Yeon-Je/AFP/Getty Images

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