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LeWeb London startup competition semifinalist shortlist announced

lewebawards 520x245 LeWeb London startup competition semifinalist shortlist announced

As you may have heard, the French are coming to take over in June as LeWeb London 2012 conference arrives to celebrate and explore digital advances.

The theme for the event is ‘Faster than Real Time‘ so it’s no surprise that the startup competition at the event is all about pushing the boundaries of speed and notification.

The shortlist for the startup competition has just been announced and there’s a good mix of familiar names and new faces who will be showing off their mobile real time skills to a panel of judges.

Attendees can expect to see pitches from: Runnr, Smarchive, BusyFlow, Explorence, BlipparFarmeronHojokiMedopadMillenokiNearNote, Savethylife, Vimention, ND InteractiveTeleportdVeryLastRoom and Warmbreeze Studios AB.

Each of the candidates has less than €1.5m ($2m) of investment, addresses either consumer or business users and will be launching as a company or bringing a new product to the conference.

It’s going to be exciting to see what these startups can pull out of the bag and how they translate the theme into mobile applications and services to impress the audience.

LeWeb London 2012 takes place June 19-20. Some of The Next Web team members will be there to see if we can mange to go faster than real time. Will you be there too?

Read more : LeWeb London startup competition semifinalist shortlist announced

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