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What Would You Do For A TCTV Interview? Digital Ocean Employee Does 100 Pushups [TCTV]

Yesterday at New York Tech Day we met with quite a few great companies including Digital Ocean. These guys are pretty established in the cloud space. They offer OS agnostic cloud servers and are giving away some service space for free to NYTD participants and their minimum package is $5 a month. Pretty basic stuff.

But what they wouldn’t do for a TC mention! One of their employees, Mitch, explained that he was the in-office push-up master so we asked him to do 100 push-ups while we interviewed someone else from the team. Two minutes later and Mitch was done, the pitch was complete, and we all realized that we should all be doing pushups instead of startups if we want to look as beefy as Mitch.

Thanks, incidentally, Mitch, for being such a good sport.

Read more : What Would You Do For A TCTV Interview? Digital Ocean Employee Does 100 Pushups [TCTV]

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