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Got Pot? Leafly Can Help

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During my daily combing of tech news feeds/breaks to learn more about the wide world of drugs, I stumbled upon this interesting little service called Leafly. Essentially, you hop on over to to do one of two things: find local dispensaries or explore various strains of the Mary Jane.

But the set-up is quite nice, and with Marijuana legalization becoming a matter of when and not if, it could become a pretty huge part of the medicinal marijuana industry. The industry rivaled that of Viagra revenue in 2011 at around $1.7 billion, and is expected to reach $8.9 billion in 2016, according to a March 2011 See Change Strategy Report.

So, what could essentially become the Yelp of gooey greenery is exciting to come across.

The strain explorer lets you choose between various medical uses (think depression, insomnia, lack of appetite, and PMS), as well as options for desired effects (such as aroused, hungry, sleepy, tingly, and uplifted). Strains are then neatly displayed like tiles on the Periodic Table, color-coded to identify Indica, Sativa, or a hybrid.

Once you choose a strain, you can view reviews, check out the details on that strain, view images, and check locations near you where you may procure your desired strain of pot.

The dispensary locator is equally straight-forward. You enter your zip, or city and state, and the site generates a map with little tags for different locations. If you click through, you’ll be taken to a page about that specific dispensary, which includes a menu, reviews, and photos.

Leafly has apps on the App Store and in Google Play, and there’s even an iOS app meant for dispensary use that displays up-to-date data on your club’s menu, ratings, reviews and pricing info.

Read more : Got Pot? Leafly Can Help

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