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TechCrunch Giveaway: The Olympics Go Social, Win A Samsung Galaxy And More #TechCrunch


For those of you who love the Olympic Games, the 2012 London Olympics are just under 100 days away. The International Olympic Committee just launched an awesome Olympic Athletes’ Hub which connects Olympic fans to their favorite Olympic athletes. It’s a searchable directory of both past and present Olympians that collects and displays posts from their Facebook and Twitter accounts. It strings in photos, videos, training tips and tons more from verified athletes’ popular social media accounts. Already, over 1,000 Olympians have joined and as you can imagine the number is continuing to grow. As the summer games in London begin, people can also live-chat with athletes directly from the Olympic Village and see real-time results from the competitions.

With special thanks to the International Olympic Committee, we have two Samsung Galaxy Tabs to give away, along with one autographed t-shirt from Michael Phelps, and one from Usian Bolt. We will pick two winners.

If you want to enter, all you have to do is follow the steps below!

1) Become a fan of our TechCrunch Facebook Page:

2) Then do one of the following:

– Retweet this post (including the #TechCrunch hashtag)
– Or leave us a comment below telling us what your favorite Olympic sport is

We’ll go through all of the comments and make sure you followed the steps correctly before picking our winner. We’ll choose the two winners at random and contact them once the giveaway is over. This giveaway is a worldwide giveaway where anyone can enter.

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Read more : TechCrunch Giveaway: The Olympics Go Social, Win A Samsung Galaxy And More #TechCrunch

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