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5 Twitter Tools for Analyzing Your Stats

One of the great things the internets gives us is the ability to track and analyze anything and everything.  You can find out how many people are on your website, commented on your blog, or liked your Facebook status update, and it doesn’t take much more than a few clicks.

Whether you are looking at it from a competitive, professional, or personal point of view, you’ve probably figured out that you should start using Twitter tools to check your stats.

Here are a Twitter analytics tools to help you determine where you are in the Twitterverse:

Klout – Your Twitter presence is graded based on 25+ variables, including how well you engage with your audience, how often your posts are retweeted,  and your level of twitter activity.  Nice tool, measures quickly, and the results actually seem to be useful.

Tweetreach – Based on your last 50 tweets, Tweetreach will show you how many people you’ve reached.  Simple, dead simple.

Twitrratr – Are you constantly worried about the opinion of others?  Twitrratr checks your most recent tweets, and will let you know if they are positive, neutral, or negative.  Just for fun – enter Tiger Woods

Twitalyzer – Need to know what your impact is, or what kind of influencer you are?  Smoking fast results from twitalyzer on 15 day old data.  Slightly longer for real time results.  The most commonly used hashtags is nice as well.

Followcost – How annoying is it going to be to have this person follow you?  Super simple tool to find out what you are getting into by blindly following someone.  Of course, this tool doesn’t measure the quality of the prospective followers tweets, just the quantity.

Have you got a Twitter tool that you can’t live without?  We’d love to know what it is, and why you think it’s the best!

Bird illustration from Akiaki on GraphicRiver.

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