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StumbleUpon Helps Android Users Discover New Apps

stumbleupon_logo_nov10.gifStumbleUpon, known best for helping users discover websites and videos, introduces a new feature for the StumbleUpon Android app today, bringing that discovery to mobile apps. The new App Discovery feature suggests Android apps based on users’ interests and preferences as well of those of friends and like-minded users.

As someone who’s recently made the switch from iPhone to Android, I can attest that finding apps in the Android Market is not easy. “Currently, discovering apps from the over 100,000 apps available in the Android Market is limited to keyword-based search features,” says StumbleUpon CEO Garrett Camp. “With StumbleUpon App Discovery, users can now find applications that are personally recommended to them and in many cases would previously have gone unnoticed.”


The new feature, in beta, is part of StumbleUpon’s Android app. The suggestions it gives are based on Android apps you’ve recently installed and used, as well as what your StumbleUpon friends like and use. Just as with Web pages, you can “stumble,” rate, and review apps, in order to generate better suggestions. And if you see something you like, you can hit “Install” to be taken to the correct download page within the Android Market.



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