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Michelle Obama Defends Internet Freedom in China Speech



U.S. first lady Michelle Obama defended the importance of free speech and Internet freedom in a talk in China on Saturday.

Obama spoke at the Stanford Center at Peking University in Beijing, as part of a goodwill tour in the country. In what could be seen as a criticism of China’s tight grip on the Internet through its infamous “Great Firewall,” which censors western websites such as Facebook, Twitter and human-rights blogs, Obama underlined the value of freedom of expression online,

“It is so important for information and ideas to flow freely over the Internet and through the media,” she said, according to TIME. “Because that’s how we discover the truth, that’s how we learn what’s really happening in our communities, in our country and our world.” Read more…

More about China, Censorship, Great Firewall, Michelle Obama, and Great Firewall Of China

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