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Map Shows 634 Runways in Range for Missing Malaysia Airlines Plane



Officials searching for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane are fairly certain it was intentionally flown off course for an extended period of time. They are basing that theory on a series of satellite “pings” the plane sent as it soared off toward India and the Middle East — or maybe out into the expanse of the Indian Ocean.

Flying on a full tank of fuel, data show the jetliner could have traveled at least 2,200 nautical miles after it vanished from its last confirmed location over the Gulf of Thailand. If piracy was the culprit behind the plane’s disappearance, then the hijackers were likely looking for a place to land. A Boeing 777-200 like Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 would need at least 5,000 feet of runway, according to an American Airlines pilot who spoke to Slate Read more…

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