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Paint and Water Make Unbelievably Ethereal Abstract Photos



Kim Keever’s photographs feature billowing fabric-like shapes that look nearly solid enough to hold in your hands. But the secret behind this New York-based artist’s swirling abstract images is a mix of water and various brightly-colored paint pigments.

The result is a stunning series of soft, ethereal photos that capture the random qualities of pigment suspended in water.


Image: Kim Keever

Keever uses a large aquarium to create his abstract shapes. After he pours paint into the water, he photographs the mixture swelling and dissipating throughout the tank. The artist writes on his website that he enjoys “the controlled randomness” involved in his work. Read more…

More about Pics, Art, Photography, Watercooler, and Work Play

Read more : Paint and Water Make Unbelievably Ethereal Abstract Photos

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