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‘Newsweek’ Claims Bitcoin Creator Is 64 and Lives With His Mom



Some have suggested that Satoshi Nakamoto, the man who developed the idea for Bitcoin, worked for a government agency; others have suggested that “he” was actually a group of people. One researcher posited that Nakamoto was “probably” a blogger named Nick Szabo; another report pointed to a connection between Satoshi and the Dread Pirate Roberts

Now, Newsweek is reporting that the founder of Bitcoin is actually a 64-year-old man who has been laid off twice and lives with his mom in California. And he drives a Toyota Corolla

Newsweek‘s Leah McGrath Goodman claims to have tracked down Satoshi Nakamoto — yes, that’s apparently his real name — after talking with a multiple developers who worked with Nakamoto in the early days of Bitcoin. She also dug into registration cards for U.S. citizens, consulted with forensics analysts and talked with Nakamoto’s family, who expressed surprise at the revelations, but seemed to feel it fit his character Read more…

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