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American RT Anchor Resigns On Air



Liz Wahl, an anchor for RT, the English-language news network operated out of Russia, resigned on air Wednesday afternoon over its “whitewash” of coverage related to Russia and its president, Vladimir Putin

Wahl said she could not be “part of a network that whitewashes the actions of Putin.”

Less than a day ago, Wahl tweeted about speaking with her grandparents, who she referenced on-air just before resigning.

Just spoke to grandparents who came to US as refugees escaping Soviets during Hungarian revolution. Amazing to hear amid new Cold War fears

— Liz Wahl (@lizwahl) March 5, 2014

Her resignation comes just a day after tweeting support for Abby Martin, an RT on-air journalist who broke ranks with the channel’s coverage to voice criticism of Russia. Read more…

More about Media, World, Rt, Business, and Ukraine

Read more : American RT Anchor Resigns On Air

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