It seems as though companies must be paying attention to that statistic we reported the other day: that Android is the number one mobile OS in the U.S., and the number two worldwide. Because it’s not just Facebook showing some love to its Android app today.
Twitter has just announced some major and much-needed improvements to its Android app as well, available now via the Android Market (or via the QR code below).
The new Twitter for Android includes many features that are a big improvement and point to a move towards standardization of the app experience across different phones. The layout has been changed for the timeline, and there’s now a Tweet details page, something that Twitter for iPhone, iPad, and even the new Twitter for Windows already had. This, along with a “Swipe to Reveal” function, make it easier to retweet and view user profiles.
Twitter says this version also includes the “Pull to Refresh” feature that its iPhone app has, but it doesn’t seem to work quite as smoothly on the Android.
Twitter touts both the speed and polish of this new app. And really, that’s probably the bottom line as companies work to make sure that the features that are available (and are probably viewed by smartphone owners as “the standard”) on the iPhone appear with the same look, feel, and experience on the Android.
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