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Amid Kiev Violence, 2 Men Design a Kids’ Book About Forgiveness



Sunbeam is on the greatest journey of his lifetime. His father, the Sun, sent him to Earth to learn more about the universe and its many creatures. Now, millions of miles away from home, he’s lost somewhere in the frigid North Pole

Son of the Sun and Wizard Lizard is an interactive children’s storybook that released on iTunes in early February. It tells of Sunbeam’s travels and how he ultimately learns forgiveness — that “bad guys,” big or small, can be fought with compassion and understanding over hatred and violence

It’s a lesson the story’s creators are struggling to follow at the moment. Mikhail Stepanskiy, 33, and Ruslan Kosarevych, 24, just spent the morning delivering food and supplies to protestors camping outside in Kiev, Ukraine. It’s the third month of anti-government protests in the city. More than 90 people have reportedly been killed within one week, as of Feb. 21, the same day the Ukraine government and opposition leaders struck a deal to end the violence. Read more…

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