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Dear Twitter, You Are Beautiful. Stop Trying to Be Someone Else



Another week, another tweak to Twitter‘s user interface. This one, in case you missed it, was a tentative upgrade that leaked via the profile of our Assistant Features Editor Matt Petronzio; one that made Twitter look like the lovechild of Facebook and Google+.

Twitter, as it frequently reminds us, performs various design tests on random users from time to time. But the fact that this profile page design is even being seriously considered shows where its design thinking is going: big pictures, big children’s book-like text, and jumbled posts scattered around (a later revision returned the posts to reverse chronological order, but kept their size). This, or some version of it, is what the newer, “friendlier” Twitter will look like Read more…

More about Twitter, Valentines, Valentine S Day, and Social Media

Read more : Dear Twitter, You Are Beautiful. Stop Trying to Be Someone Else

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