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Ronny Conway Closes His Over $51 Million Early Stage Fund

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Solo investor Ronny Conway has closed the early-stage fund he had left Andreessen Horowitz last year to raise. Last September, Dan Primack had reported that the fund was at least $30 million in size, but it’s $51 million, according to this SEC filing.

We are hearing from a source that the fund has closed. It also seems like Conway is raising parallel funds of $5 million and $15 million, according to the filings. Conway had no comment when we reached out for more information.

While we have no word on who the LPs are, it’s safe to say that his famous namesake father’s involvement is possible.

Having done stints at a16z and Google, it’s interesting that Conway’s early-stage fund is trying to fill the Series A gap at a time when consumer startups are finding it difficult to raise past the seed stage without demonstrable traction.

In fact, his former employer recently came out hard against consumer Series A’s, the precise arena that Conway would like to play ball in.

One man’s fruit fly experiments are another man’s Instagram.

Read more : Ronny Conway Closes His Over $51 Million Early Stage Fund

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