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Watch The 7th Annual Crunchies Award Show Right Here

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The Super Bowl. The Winter Olympics. The Grammys and the Academy Awards.

‘Tis the season for live spectacles, and as such, I’m pleased to welcome you to the 7th Annual Crunchies Awards where TechCrunch, Gigaom and VentureBeat join together and award the best technology of 2013.

Tonight’s gonna be a good night.

To start, we have John Oliver hosting, who is sure to delight and surprise as always. Plus, we have some star-studded presenters handing out the 20 awards, including those for Best Technology Achievement, Fastest Rising Startup, and CEO of the Year.

Who will walk away victorious?

Obviously, you have to stay tuned to find out. Enjoy!



Best Technology Achievement
Apple A7 Processor (Related Posts)
Bitcoin (Related Posts)
node.js (Related Posts)
Planet Labs low-cost satellites (Related Posts)
Project Loon (Related Posts)

Best Collaborative Consumption Service
Airbnb (Related Posts)
Crowdtilt (Related Posts)
DogVacay (Related Posts)
Homejoy (Related Posts)
Lyft (Related Posts)

Best E-Commerce Application
BarkBox (Related Posts)
Good Eggs (Related Posts)
Polyvore (Related Posts)
Warby Parker (Related Posts)
Wanelo (Related Posts)

Best Mobile Application
Mailbox (Related Posts)
Snapchat (Related Posts)
Tinder (Related Posts)
WhatsApp (Related Posts)

Fastest Rising Startup
Lulu (Related Posts)
QuizUp (Related Posts)
Tinder (Related Posts)
Upworthy (Related Posts)
Whisper (Related Posts)

Best Health Startup
Fitbit (Related Posts)
MyFitnessPal (Related Posts)
One Medical Group (Related Posts)
Oscar (Related Posts)
Practice Fusion (Related Posts)

Best Design
Exposure by Elepath
Nest Protect (Related Posts)
Pencil by FiftyThree (Related Posts)
Hi (Related Posts)
Yahoo Weather (Related Posts)

Best Bootstrapped Startup
Imgur (Related Posts)
NerdWallet (Related Posts)
SmugMug (Related Posts)

Sexiest Enterprise Startup
Box (Related Posts)
ClearSlide (Related Posts)
New Relic (Related Posts)
Optimizely (Related Posts)
Zendesk (Related Posts)

Best International Startup
BlaBlaCar (Related Posts)
Huddle (Related Posts)
Supercell (Related Posts)
Waze (Related Posts)
Xiaomi (Related Posts)

Best Education Startup (Related Posts)
CreativeLIVE (Related Posts)
Duolingo (Related Posts)
Khan Academy (Related Posts)
Treehouse (Related Posts)

Best Hardware Startup
3D Robotics (Related Posts)
Oculus VR (Related Posts)
SmartThings (Related Posts)
Sonos (Related Posts)
Square (Related Posts)

Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop
Candy Crush Saga (Related Posts)
Netflix (Related Posts)
Tinder (Related Posts)
Vibease (Related Posts)
Vine (Related Posts)

Biggest Social Impact (Related Posts)
Crowdtilt (Related Posts)
Edward Snowden’s NSA Revelations (Related Posts)
StopWatching.Us (Related Posts)
Watsi (Related Posts)

Angel of the Year
Steve Anderson (Related Posts)
Michael Dearing (Related Posts)
Keith Rabois (Related Posts)
Babak Nivi & Naval Ravikant (Related Posts)
Chris Sacca (Related Posts)

VC of the Year
Peter Fenton (Benchmark) (Related Posts)
Jim Goetz (Sequoia Capital) (Related Posts)
Reid Hoffman (Greylock Partners) (Related Posts)
Bill Maris (Google Ventures) (Related Posts)
Bijan Sabet (Spark Capital) (Related Posts)

Founder of the Year
Arash Ferdowsi  & Drew Houston (Dropbox) (Related Posts)
David Karp (Tumblr) (Related Posts)
Aaron Levie (Box) (Related Posts)
Lee Holloway ,
 Matthew Prince & Michelle Zatlyn (CloudFlare) (Related Posts)
Deena Varshavskaya (Wanelo) (Related Posts)

CEO of the Year
Jeff Bezos (Amazon) (Related Posts)
Dick Costolo (Twitter) (Related Posts)
Travis Kalanick (Uber) (Related Posts)
Marissa Mayer (Yahoo!) (Related Posts)
Elon Musk (Tesla Motors & SpaceX) (Related Posts)

Best New Startup of 2013
Anki (Related Posts)
Coinbase (Related Posts)
Glow (Related Posts)
Tinder (Related Posts)
Whisper (Related Posts)

Best Overall Startup of 2013
CloudFlare (Related Posts)
Kickstarter (Related Posts)
Snapchat (Related Posts)
Twitter (Related Posts)
Uber (Related Posts)


Read more : Watch The 7th Annual Crunchies Award Show Right Here

Posted in Startups, Web.

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