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Global Freelancers Survey: Enter & Win!

The 2010 Global Freelancers Survey is online and we want YOU!

Freelancers by nature usually work on their own, as such we often don’t really know what others are doing, charging and thinking. This survey aims to compile our collective knowledge for the benefit of freelancers everywhere! The 2007 survey rendered great results with input from over 3,000 participants, but we need help to update it! By taking part in the Global Freelancer Survey you will be rewarded in three ways:

1. Detailed Statistics. After the survey is complete we will be posting an abridged version of some results on, however respondents who complete the survey will be emailed a COMPLETE set of results and data from the survey. I.e. you’ll get exclusive data that non-respondents don’t get!

2. Random Prize Draw. We have prizes. That’s right, fabulous prizes! Everyone who participates in the survey is eligible for a drawing for the grand prize. We’ve put together a prize package worth over $1,000 with some pretty sweet stuff that will make any freelancer’s life easier:

  • A 32GB Wifi Apple iPad. Laptop just too old fashioned? Keep up on your work (and play!).
  • A free copy of WPBids, the WordPress template for freelancers. Easily create hand-crafted proposals on the fly.
  • $100 worth of awesome merchandise from the print experts at MOO! I especially love their business cards.
  • $100 worth of credits for the Envato Marketplaces. Flash, video, web, graphics, print, music, 3d…need any kind of stock file fast? Grab it from sites like ThemeForest, ActiveDen, GraphicRiver, and more for your next project!
  • A one YEAR membership to FreelanceSwitch’s own job board. Find new leads and keep the work coming!
  • A 6 month membership to Tuts+, Envato’s premier network of great tutorials, including sites such as NetTuts, PSDTuts, MobileTuts and more. Get access to the premium tutorials to keep your skills sharp or pick up new ones!

3. Satisfaction. By completing the survey, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing you’re helping compile information to help freelancers everywhere, it only takes 10 minutes of your time and the sum of our collective knowledge will be huge!

The survey only takes a few minutes and will be a great resource for all of us – so take it now! All rules and nitty gritty included below:

The Rules, Fine Print, Etc

  • Envato staff and people who have written more than two tutorials/articles for a Tuts+ site may participate in the survey but are not eligible for the grand prize.
  • Participants must complete the survey by Monday, November 22nd, 12:01am (CST).
  • Participants must provide a valid e-mail (first question in survey) to be eligible for the prize drawing. E-mail information will only be used to contact the prize winner and provide participants with complimentary survey results.
  • A winner for the grand prize will be randomly selected by the Editor and notified via the e-mail provided in the survey results.
  • Data collected from the Global Freelancer Survey will appear in an up-coming e-book on freelance statistics published by Rockable Press.

That’s it! Good luck, everyone! And thanks for participating!

Posted in Business, Freelancing, General, Web, Web Design.

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