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"Twitter for Machines" Company Nodeable Launches Private Beta

Nodeable logo Nodeable is a new company that just launched a private beta. It’s already generating a lot of buzz, and throws around terms like big data, social platform and “post-cloud.” RedMonk co-founder and analyst Stephen O’Grady called it “Twitter for machines.” But what does it do?

The company was founded on the premise that “it shouldn’t be easier to manage 1000 friends on Facebook than it is to manage a single server in your cloud infrastructure.” To this end, it has created a social network like interface for monitoring and interacting with computer networks from both desktops and mobiles.


Here’s a look at the mobile client:

Nodeable screenshot

Nodeable not just generates activity streams for important system events, but it builds in tools for managing common processes.

Nodeable reminds me of some of the IT software-as-a-service companies that have cropped up in the past few years, such as Loggly, Spiceworks, Netuitive and Prelert. But Nodeable isn’t just aggregating server logs or providing monitoring tools – it’s trying to completely recreate the way server admins maintain infrastructure.

Here’s an illustration from the Nodeable website of its value proposition:

Nodeable illustration

I don’t know yet how Nodeable’s analytics hold up against Netuitive and Prelert in terms of predicting problems and solutions. But this is certainly one to watch.

Nodeable is based in San Francisco and raised $2 million in funding from True Ventures.


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