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iPad for Business Round-Up: A Flipboard for the Enterprise and More

The iPad isn’t just a hot new consumer device, it’s also an increasingly popular tool for business. Each week we take a look at the new or updated business apps for the iPad, and highlight trends in how tablets are being used in the enterprise.

This week we look at a new ERP client, a new project management, a whole new way to look at your enterprise activity stream and more.


Exact Synergy

Exact Synergy for iOS

Exact released an iOS client for its ERP product Synergy. It enables users to manage schedules, enter billable time, update expense reports, etc.

A third-party client called iSynergy is also available.


scrum master screenshot

ScrumMaster is a new iPad app for managing scrum projects. It features a product backlog, a task board with burndown chart. It can be used by all members of a scrum team, including the product owner, scrum master and stakeholders. The database file can be shared between different users.

tibbr FlipView

tibbr flipview

As part of the tibbr 3.0 release (coverage), the company has added a Flipboard-style magazine view within its iPad app. Is this the first sign of the next shift in consumerization of IT, from activity streams to magazine views?

65% of Major Marketing Automation Vendors to Develop iPad Apps by 2016

Enterprise Innovation reports that, according to Gartner, “65 percent of major marketing automation vendors will extend 25 percent of their functionality to the iPad.”

The Law Firm that Traded Its Notebooks for iPads

Info World has a look at how the law firm Proskauer replaced its laptops with iPads.


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