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PaaS Hasn’t Hit the Big Time Yet

Last week we asked you, prompted by RedMonk analyst Michael Coté’s question, whether you were were adopting or wanted to adopt a platform-as-a-service. The majority of you are either already using one or more or are planning to start.

But according to the data Coté has assembled, PaaS isn’t a home run success quite yet.


PaaS jobs on, via RedMonk

According to Coté, it’s difficult to track any hard numbers down. Most vendors want to talk about apps deployed and registered users, not about paying customers. Coté says the total number of apps deployed on Google AppEngine, and Heroku is fewer than 300,000. “Which, is a big number, sure,” he writes. “But how many applications are there in the world?”

But this is still an early space. As we pointed out earlier Gartner is seeing an increased number of inquiries, and as you can see above the number of PaaS jobs is growing. So there does seem to be some interest in the enterprise.

Photo by LukeGordon1


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