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ReadWriteWeb is Hiring a News Writer – Is It You?

rwwsquarelogo_150x150.jpgThe editorial team here at ReadWriteWeb is a unique bunch of journalists with very diverse backgrounds, but we all share a passion for one thing: Web technology. When you combine that team with powerful research tools, a fun and collaborative virtual newsroom, speed, integrity and thoughtfulness, you end up with the stories you see on this site every day.

We’re looking for someone to join us. We’re looking for a smart, competitive journalist to cover Web tech news and to synthesize that news into the analytical and conceptual articles that we’re known for.


How To Apply

Please send the following items to Managing Editor Abraham Hyatt,, with the subject line “ReadWriteWeb News Writer“.

  • resume
  • links to your relevant social media profiles
  • links to no more than five clips
  • contact information for three references
  • three story ideas with explanations of why they’re a good fit for ReadWriteWeb

The ideal candidate possesses a knowledge of – and definite interest in – emerging Web technologies. We want a self-directed candidate who is the perfect mix of ambitious reporter, critical thinker and smart writer. This position is full-time and is one of the top news blogging jobs on the Web. Not only will your work be read by the millions of visitors who come to ReadWriteWeb each month, it will be syndicated on and will shape how tech news is covered online.


  • You must have three to five years of journalism experience, with a solid knowledge of basic HTML and an ability to utilize social media and other online tools as a reporter. An understanding of Web-based journalism and digital media trends is a given.
  • You must be a versatile writer, someone who can cover spot news at a moment’s notice and then turn around and write thought-provoking news analysis. Experience working in a fast-paced editorial environment with tight deadlines is desirable.
  • Sharp news judgment and high journalistic standards are mandatory, as are excellent writing and self-editing skills and an entrepreneurial attitude.
  • Geographic location is not important but dependable access to high-speed Internet is. ReadWriteWeb works entirely in a real-time virtual environment and your ability to stay connected is paramount.


Posted in General, Technology, Web.

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