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Microsoft is Helping Joyent Port Node.js to Windows

NodeJS logo 150x150 I’ve been picking on Microsoft a bit lately, so here’s a pointer to something cool that it’s doing: helping port Node.js to Windows. Joyent competitor Rackspace is pitching in as well.

Earlier this year at NodeConf, Node.js creator Ryan Dahl said that Windows support was a high priority for the 1.0 release. It’s good to see him getting some help.


In a blog post today, Dahl explained:

This requires a rather large modification of the core structure, and we’re very happy to have official guidance and engineering resources from Microsoft. Rackspace is also contributing Bert Belder’s time to this undertaking.

The result will be an official binary node.exe releases on, which will work on Windows Azure and other Windows versions as far back as Server 2003.

Big ups to Rackspace, Microsoft and Joyent for cooperating on this. When competitors collaborate, open source wins.

Disclosure: Microsoft is a ReadWriteWeb sponsor.


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